Release Notes#
Changes for v3.4.3 (2024-04-27)#
Finish migration to setuptools_scm
Changes for v3.4.2 (2024-04-26)#
Constrain setuptools_scm version
Changes for v3.4.1 (2024-04-17)#
Add module entry points for xq and tomlq
Changes for v3.4.0 (2024-04-17)#
yq -y: Induce quoting of string scalars that start with 08 and 09
Changes for v3.3.1 (2024-04-15)#
Revert “Do not interpret characters that cannot be parsed in octal as int (#176)”
Changes for v3.3.0 (2024-04-13)#
tomlq: Use tomllib on Python 3.11 when not round-tripping
xq: Support in-place XML editing
Do not interpret characters that cannot be parsed in octal as int (#176)
Changes for v3.2.3 (2023-09-09)# use valid values for jsonargs. Fixes #172
Allow editing toml in place (#171)
Documentation improvements
Changes for v3.2.2 (2023-04-22)#
Allow XML documents to be streamed with –xml-item-depth
Changes for v3.2.1 (2023-04-04)#
Relax tomlkit dependency version range to preserve Python 3.6 compatibility (#165)
Changes for v3.2.0 (2023-04-03)#
Use tomlkit instead of toml
Add security policy
Documentation and release infrastructure improvements
Changes for v3.1.1 (2023-02-21)#
Handle TOML datetimes. Fixes #160
Test and documentation improvements
Changes for v3.1.0 (2022-07-24)#
Use configurable output grammar, compatible with YAML 1.1
Changes for v3.0.2 (2022-07-05)#
Expand merge keys ( This is a YAML 1.1 specific behavior, but will be accommodated in yq due to its widespread use and low likelihood of accidental invocation.
Changes for v3.0.1 (2022-07-04)#
yq now uses the YAML 1.2 grammar when parsing and rendering YAML documents. This means bare literals like “on”, “no”, and “12:34:56” are interpreted as strings. (Fix interrupted release)
Changes for v3.0.0 (2022-07-04)#
yq now uses the YAML 1.2 grammar when parsing and rendering YAML documents. This means bare literals like “on”, “no”, and “12:34:56” are interpreted as strings.
Changes for v2.14.0 (2022-02-20)#
Support binary and set tags. Fixes #140
Changes for v2.13.0 (2021-12-02)#
Armor against entity expansion attacks
Improve YAML loading performance by using CSafeLoader where available
Require PyYAML 5.3.1 or newer
Test and release infrastructure improvements
Changes for v2.12.2 (2021-06-13)#
Handle -n correctly
Changes for v2.12.1 (2021-06-13)#
Do not close fds on child process
Changes for v2.12.0 (2021-02-05)#
Add TOML support and the tomlq CLI utility to access it
Drop Python 2.7 support
Changes for v2.11.1 (2020-09-26)#
Parse correctly when empty string is passed as jq_filter
Changes for v2.11.0 (2020-09-03)#
Better handling of jq_filter and files arguments (#102)
Create (#82)
Changes for v2.10.1 (2020-05-11)#
Add support for xmltodict force_list definition for xq CLI (#95)
Support explicit doc markers (#93)
Ensure proper ordering of help messages (#90)
Changes for v2.10.0 (2019-12-23)#
Add support for in-place editing (yq -yi)
Add argcomplete integration
Docs: Migrate from RTD to gh-pages
Changes for v2.9.2 (2019-11-04)#
Fix interrupted release
Changes for v2.9.1 (2019-11-04)#
Fix documentation build
Changes for v2.9.0 (2019-11-04)#
Add -Y/–yaml-roundtrip for preserving YAML styles and tags
Changes for v2.8.1 (2019-10-28)#
Filter out -C and separate commingled yq and jq short options
Changes for v2.8.0 (2019-10-25)#
Set default block sequence indentation to 2 spaces, –indentless for 0
Make main body of yq callable as a library function
Test and release infrastructure updates
Changes for v2.7.2 (2019-01-09)#
Support options introduced in jq 1.6. Fixes #46
xq: Re-raise if exception is unrecognized
Changes for v2.7.1 (2018-11-05)#
xq: Introduce –xml-dtd and –xml-root. Fixes #37.
TOML support is optional and experimental
Changes for v2.7.0 (2018-08-04)#
TOML support with the tq executable entry point.
Disallow argparse abbreviated options. Fixes #38 on Python 3.5+.
Now available in Homebrew as python-yq.
Changes for v2.6.0 (2018-04-28)#
Packaging: Replace scripts with entry-points
Packaging: Package the license file
Changes for v2.5.0 (2018-04-02)#
Parse unrecognized tags instead of dropping them. Fixes #23
Changes for v2.4.1 (2018-02-13)#
Ignore unrecognized YAML tags instead of crashing
Explicitly disable XML entity expansion and mention in docs
xq -x: Raise understandable error on non-dict conversion failure
Changes for v2.4.0 (2018-02-08)#
Support XML parsing with xmltodict
Changes for v2.3.7 (2018-02-07)#
Fix for the –from-file/-f argument: Re-route jq_filter to files when using –from-file. Fixes #19.
Changes for v2.3.6 (2018-01-29)#
Parse and pass multiple positional-consuming jq args
Changes for v2.3.5 (2018-01-29)#
Support jq arguments that consume subsequent positionals (such as –arg k v) (#16).
Changes for v2.3.4 (2017-12-26)#
Support bare YAML dates and times. Fixes #10
Changes for v2.3.3 (2017-09-30)#
Avoid buffering all input docs in memory with no -y
End all json.dump output with newlines. Close all input streams. Fixes #8. Thanks to @bubbleattic for reporting.
Changes for v2.3.2 (2017-09-25)#
Fix test suite on Python 3
Changes for v2.3.1 (2017-09-25)#
Add support for multiple yaml files in arguments. Thanks to @bubbleattic (PR #7)
Changes for v2.3.0 (2017-08-27)#
Handle multi-document streams. Fixes #6
Report version via yq –version
Changes for v2.2.0 (2017-07-07)#
Stringify datetimes loaded from YAML. Fixes #5
Changes for v2.1.2 (2017-06-27)#
Fix ResourceWarning: unclosed file
Internal: Make usage of loader argument consistent
Documentation improvements
Changes for v2.1.1 (2017-05-02)#
Fix release script. Release is identical to v2.1.0.
Changes for v2.1.0 (2017-05-02)#
yq now supports emitting YAML (round-trip YAML support) using “yq -y”. Fixes #2.
Key order is now preserved in mappings/objects/dictionaries.
Passing input files by filename as an argument is now supported (in addition to providing data on standard input).
Changes for v2.0.2 (2017-01-16)#
Test and documentation improvements
Changes for v2.0.1 (2017-01-14)#
Fix description in
Changes for v2.0.0 (2017-01-14)#
Begin 2.0.0 release series. This package’s release series available on PyPI begins with version 2.0.0. Versions of
prior to 2.0.0 are distributed by and are not related to this package. No guarantees of compatibility are made between abesto/yq and kislyuk/yq. This package follows theSemantic Versioning 2.0.0 <>
_ standard. To ensure proper operation, declare dependency version ranges according to SemVer. See the Readme for more information.